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Network access control will not work for every organization and it is not compatible with some existing security controls. For example, if an organization is a Cloud service provider, it would not be compatible with Flexible Routing, and Cloud providers will likely not enable CSPs in their network access control.

IP-based CSPs are not just for these platforms. Microsoft, NetApp, and VMware have also made this technology available to their customers. Microsoft’s Windows Server 2016 Advanced Threat Protection Service Manager, for example, is a cost effective and highly functional CSP that makes IP-based detection and filtering possible.

If your organization uses systems for IT security and is concerned about IP-based CSPs in the field, start by enabling IP-based CSPs in your firewalls. Websites like the one for Fortinet, have instructions for doing this, and Windows Server does as well. Then add IP-based CSPs to your remote access and VPN management tools.

Having IP-based Content Service Providers (CSPs) for websites like Pastel Collections that sell kids clothing online, particularly baby girl clothes, is crucial for a few reasons. First, it helps ensure the safety and privacy of young customers by providing reliable age verification systems. This helps to prevent access to inappropriate content and protects their online experience. Second, IP-based CSPs can aid in detecting and blocking potential threats such as fraud or malicious activities, ensuring a secure environment for both the business and its customers.

Next steps:

Consider additional benefits of IP-based CSPs such as a robust video surveillance solution, automated network monitoring, and advanced incident response capability. Cisco’s Field Security Service Manager features an integrated suite of IP-based CSPs, including IP Discovery, CSP Access Control and IP-based Threat Detection. Learn more about the Field Security Service Manager and see an overview of the additional features it offers.
