Exploring BeagleBone  V1.0
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CADXL345Specific class for the ADXL345 Accelerometer
 CBMA180A class to control a BMA180 accelerometer (untested)
 CBusDeviceThis class is the parent of I2C and SPI devices, so that devices that use both SPI and I2C interfaces can use those interfaces interchangeably. Because it contains abstract methods, the child classes MUST implement the methods that are listed in this class
 CDCMotorA generic DC motor class that controls a motor driver board using a PWM signal,and a GPIO state to control the motor direction
 CGPIOGPIO class for input and output functionality on a single GPIO pin
 CI2CDeviceGeneric I2C Device class that can be used to connect to any type of I2C device and read or write to its registers
 CITG3200A class to interface with the ITG3200 gyroscope (untested)
 CLCDCharacterDisplayA class that provides an interface to an LCD character module. It provices support for multiple rows and columns and provides methods for formatting and printing text. You should use a 4 wire interface and a 74XX595 to communicate with the display module
 CPWMA class to control a basic PWM output – you must know the exact sysfs filename for the PWM output
 CServoAn extremely basic Servo class stub – does nothing more than the PWM class but is here for future use
 CSevenSegmentDisplayA class that allows you to drive an array of 7 segment displays using an array of 74XX595 ICs
 CSocketClientA class that encapsulates a socket client to be used for network communication
 CSocketServerA class that encapsulates a server socket for network communication
 CSPIDeviceGeneric SPI Device class that can be used to connect to any type of SPI device and read or write to its registers
 CStepperMotorA class to control a stepper motor using a motor driver board, such as the Easy Driver board, or compatible. The class uses five GPIOs to control each motor